This Tuesday, October 23, our dear friend and colleague, Carol Tuttle, released her new book, The Child Whisperer, which teaches how to read the hidden messages your children send you every day. The book offers eye-opening information and helps reduce the struggles between parent and child. It teaches you what your child has been trying to tell you all along. Many parents don't know how to decode these messages. A reader of a pre-publication edition, Tanya Roylance, called The Child Whisperer "an answer to my prayers":
I have been concerned about my "shy," "wimpy," little boy and didn't want him to be labeled that way. . . . Reading this book has opened my eyes to seeing him in a whole new way, and I am so grateful. .. I love this book.
As part of her "launch," Carol is offering $317 in online bonuses when people in our EEM community order before Friday.
Check it out at this link to learn about the book and the bonuses.
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