Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Grounding Techniques

Definitions: An electrical device is “grounded” when it is connected to the ground in a way that allows excess energy to leave the system.

We are “Physically Grounded” when we can feel our connection with the Earth and carry ourselves (posture, movement, awareness) in a manner that is in harmony with the Earth’s gravitational pull.

We are “Emotionally Grounded” when our energies and emotions move through our physically-grounded body freely and are wholesomely discharged through our cells, our breath, our thoughts, and our actions.

We are “Spiritually Grounded” when physically grounded body and emotionally grounded mind are in harmony and alignment with one another and with “spirit” (the animating force within living things).

Bellow are techniques described in the
Energy Medicine book that will help align your energies with the force field of the Earth and allow your energies and feelings to move freely through your body:

· “Separating Heaven and Earth”/“
Connecting Heaven and Earth
· The 3rd Eye /Navel “Hook-up”
· “Taking Down the Flames”
· “
Expelling the Venom” (Follow with a slow and deliberate “Zip-up” that ends by reaching up and circling your arms down until they hang at your sides
· With your hands on your thighs, smooth your hands down your legs
· The “Wayne Cook Posture”
· The “Three Thumps”

Note: All of the above exercises can be found in Energy Medicine © 2005 Donna Eden & David Feinstein, Ph.D.

This information was duplicated from the Energy Medicine Handout bank

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